The list of conditions required to market FixNet products and services under the umbrella of your company and to provide sales and / or support are given below. You can contact us for all questions, problems and revisions and other requests.

  • To be able to be a dealer of FixNet Broadband Ltd. you need to have a registered company and / or commercial title registered in TRNC Companies Registrar,
  • Active workplace for displaying FixNet products and services and for subscribers and / or subscriber candidates to see FixNet Subscriber Service Center at your location,
  • To allocate a suitable place for our company and FixNet signage which will be covered by our company for the purpose of FixNet brand display,
  • To display the brochures and / or images to be provided by FixNet for brand and product and / or service display in your store and
  • You must have signed a dealership agreement with FixNet.

FixNet provides a second dealership in the same location and / or on the same street with a minimum distance of 750m according to the needs. There is no second and new dealership within the scope of 'Dealer Protection Program' next to an existing and working dealer store.